Lucky Chicks- A Cute Mini Story

When the couple planned to delay their separation until the eggs hatch, wonder happened. 


Story By: S A Spencer

“Bubba, look at the couple inside the house, don’t you think they are fighting?” Angel, the wife Fairy Wren, said sitting on the railing of the alfresco of the house in the Western Sydney suburb of Glenwood.

“Where?” asked Bubba, her partner, casting a questioning glance at the four-meter-high native bush parallel to the backside fence.

“Not at the bush stupid, that one is our home. Humans live in brick structures. Look through that large glass.” She pointed her beak towards the glass window.

Bubba hopped and changed his position. A faint bird-smile appeared in his beaks, “Oh, that man and woman? Yes, they’re shouting. But don’t we also shout when we are happy, or celebrate something?”

Angel came closer and touched Bubba’s beaks with hers, “I love you, Bubba. You are so naïve. Don’t understand between a joyful shout and fight-shout.”

Bubba reciprocated with a beak kiss. “I know darling. In fact, I don’t understand either humans or their language. Do you?”

Angel chortled. “You know Uncle Squawk, who died three months’ ago?”

“How do I? We had not even married then. I didn’t even know you.”

“Yeah, I understand. He had taught me a few words of these humans. He said, combine knowledge of those words and watch how they make distinct face and eye movements, you would know for certain what they are talking. I am certain that the woman is fed up with her husband and is planning to leave him for good.”

Bubba kept his eyes closed for a minute and then said, “Angel, this is not good. We are planning to begin a family and they are thinking of dissolving one! Not a good omen. Let us run away from here. I can’t see a family breaking down.”

Both the birds flew away to the native bush behind the back side fence of the house, the place they call their home. “We should rather focus on making the nest for laying the eggs and not waste our time on what those humans are doing or going to do.”

Angel didn’t reply, but kept staring at the couple. They were clearly visible through the enormous glass wall. Her eyes pooled. “No Bubba. We must do some noble work so that our chicks will get God’s blessings. Be they human or other animals, all are God’s creation. And if we can, do something so that their disturbing minds cool down and they can think rationally.”

“What are you suggesting, then?”

“I think, instead of making the nest as usual in this bush, we should do it above the light bulb of the alfresco. That way our eggs will get the warmth of the bulb when they light it, and their family will get the blessings of the infinite energy which loves procreation.”

Bubba gazed into her eyes. “If they destroy our nest and the eggs? Won’t it be risky?”

“We should try it. Let’s see.” She hopped and picked a fine twig with her beaks before flying to the alfresco. Bubba also followed and pulled the spider web from a nearby branch and joined Angel.

Within the next one hour, they almost built half of the nest. The couple had vanished somewhere in their house. When they planned to take some rest, the man appeared. With a thunderous sound, he yanked the door open and stomped onto the alfresco. Scared, Angel and Bubba flew away to their bush home.

“Didn’t I say we shouldn’t weave the nest at their place? We have our own home here. Why do we…”

“Wait, my dear,” Angel said, keeping an eye on the alfresco. “We have spent only half an hour, so please don’t fret about it.”

The man kept on shouting and the wife appeared and joined him. She stared at the half-built nest and said something.

“Maybe both are planning how to destroy our future babies’ birthplace.”

“Bubba, the few words I understand, the wife is asking him not to harm the nest. Look, she has a smiling face.”

In fact, the nest survived, and the Fairy Wren couple finished weaving it the next day. Within a week, Angel delivered three eggs. “God bless our eggs and give us three healthy chicks.” She muttered, closing her eyes and face towards the sky. “And also bless the home and its occupants.”

Days passed by. They could still see the couple fighting inside, but sometimes they stand together behind the glass window and watch the nest. Angel showed to Bubba, “Look, after long they are smiling together.”

“But I can still hear them shouting at each other sometimes. Does it mean this shouting is like we do when we celebrate?”

Angel felt a shiver in her heart. “No, my dear hubby. They are still fighting among themselves. But the wife, who had already planned to move out within a week, changed her mind. She was talking to someone holding small equipment near to her head that she would wait to see our chicks before moving.”

Three weeks passed. The eggs hatched, and three lovely chicks came out of their shells. Angel and Bubba were sure the human couple would do no harm the babies. But still when they come out to the alfresco, the bird couple fly away and couldn’t stop the heart from beating faster. “God, we always pray for the betterment of that man and woman. Let them not attack our little ones.”

Day in and day out, Angel and Bubba would take turns to bring dead insects and feed the babies. Unless they grow up a little and get enough strength, teaching them how to fly would be difficult. The human couple tried to get a glimpse of the chicks standing on a step ladder inside home.

Finally, the day came to impart flying lesson to the babies. “Now remain careful, Bubba. The babies might fall on the floor below and we must be extra vigilant for their safety. Don’t worry about the human couple. I can see the curiosity on their face. They are fighting much less nowadays.”

When the chicks made efforts to fly, the husband would hold some equipment in his hand and do something, as if capturing the moment. In fact, they did. Angel noticed through the huge glass wall the man showed their chicks’ flying experience on a screen and both husband and wife would laugh together. For the first time, they noticed something which they had never seen before.

The husband kissed his wife and said, “I love you.”

The wife said, “I love you so much and don’t understand why I was planning to leave you. These birds are lucky for us. They saved our marriage.”

Both remained in the lip lock for several moments.  

S A Spencer- I will bring more stories for your entertainment. Please follow me on Facebook and Twitter so that you know when a new story comes. 

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  1. I loved it! Thinking things further and not leaving in the spur of the angry moment, mattered...


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