Wrong Question- A Cute Mini Story


By: S A Spencer

His love for food came on the way of romance he had. Will migration to another continent help him get both?

Picture by Greg Byman

“I will go to Canada for hunting.” Jim said as we both met at the Woodcroft Lake Park during  our morning walk. A huge smile spread across his face.

“Oh! Canada! Have a pleasant trip.” I came close to him on the jogging track. “When are you going?”

Something inside me showed this wasn’t true. Only yesterday evening, we both were sipping beer at my alfresco after he volunteered to fix our outdoor blind. How suddenly he made such a decision? Overnight?

Having the morning walk together was not our routine. We knew each other since the day he moved to the street after building our dream houses. Mine was the first house on the street. Situated fifteen blocks away from my lot, Jim was the second house-owner and my only neighbour for almost six months before any other house came up or even got occupants.

“Last night. Hello, how are you?” Jim said the second sentence to the young Vietnamese looking woman walking past us from the other direction.

I cast a sideways glance at her; she was beautiful. Saw her first time in our locality. “You know her?”

“Nope. Who knows, if I meet her more frequently in the park, one day she could be my girlfriend.”

An urge came in me to play a joke. “She is , in fact….”

He slowed down and tilted his head. Curiosity mirrored in his eyes. “What?”

“She is married, two kids.” I tried to keep my face as stern as possible.

He chuckled and paced ahead of me. “Damn.”

Jim always took the jokes with a pinch of salt. We walked silently for some time. Old memories of the days we both had just began friendship threaded into my mind.

I was the happiest man in the world, so was my wife Sony, as this was our first dream home, with a large front and backyard for gardening.

On the other hand,…

Jim was the most miserable man. Just a day before he could move in, his wife announced she was in love with another man and asked for a divorce. Not only that, but she also cited a solid reason for that. Jim’s love for animals and birds suffocated her.

Even though we were fairly new friends for over a month when he was visiting the street to check on the progress of his house, he opened his mind to me.

And I was at a loss whether to sympathise with him for his loss of family life or laugh at his wife’s reasons. “Loving animals and birds shouldn’t be a cause for trouble to anybody, Jim.”

“She is from an Asian country and her English is terrible. In fact, she is a strict vegetarian and I love to eat lots of meats. I love lamb doesn’t mean I am in love with a lamb. Rather, I like to eat lamb meat. She can’t even tolerate the smell of non-vegetarian food.”

But those days were gone. He fully recovered. He would drop in my home at any odd moment and be a spontaneous guest. My wife has never objected to him joining us for a drink or even dinner at a brief notice. He would enjoy our hospitality and we loved his handyperson skills and his help in fixing various small things on our property.

“What are you thinking, mate?” Jim’s question dragged me out of the old memories.

“Yes, you said you are going to Canada. What will you do there? Love their animals the way you loved here? Devour their meats and give moksha to their souls?

A loud laugh. “Yes, I will love their animals. The reality is, a type of pigs which is said to be so intelligent is causing immense harm to the farmers and their other wildlife. I will hunt and eat their tasty meats. For free. No, I might even get paid for shooting. They have a shortage of hunters.”

“A new job in Canada! You mean someone is hiring you for hunting the wild pigs? What is so great about them?”

We finished the third round on the path around the park. The woman Jim had said ‘hello’ had crossed us a few times and Jim never even looked at her again.

“You don’t know? In fact, they are super intelligent and almost invincible. Almost eradicating other wild species in their craving for food and even destroying farmlands.”

“Are they some types of alien animals? Came from another planet which might be thousands of light years away?” I imagined a sci-fi movie I was watching with my daughter a few weeks ago. “You see, Jim, only animals from a different world can be more intelligent than humans on the earth.”

Jim chuckled. “You are going too far, mate. The fact is, someone crossbred them using wild boar and common pigs so that they could tolerate extreme cold climate. But a few years ago, the demand for their meat went to rock bottom, and some farmers let them loose and closed their shops. The pigs quickly multiplied in numbers and are now a disaster in the areas they are spreading out.”

“I see.” I looked at my smart-watch, almost going to complete the ten thousand steps I aimed for. “Is this the sole reason you are travelling there? For how many days?”

“No, this is not the reason.”

“Then what?”

“The question was incorrect in the first place, mate. You asked what I will do there. Should have asked why I am going.”

“Okay, I am correcting my question now. Why are you going to Canada?”

He smiled and stopped near a shed. “Come and sit here.”

We straddled on the bench, face to face.

“Promise you wouldn’t tell anybody. Not even to your wife.”

“What is so secret?”

“The fact is, I have got a girlfriend there. Internet. Then realised I can’t bring her here as my ex-wife had got visa by marrying me. She had a lover before and used me to get Australian citizenship. Once she got her Australian passport, she dumped me and brought her boyfriend to the country. I have to wait five years to import the Canadian woman here. So, she asked me to shift to Canada instead.”

I got up. Time to begin work.

“She is importing you, a boyfriend. Congratulations, mate. So, you selling this house?”

“Not yet. Let me see that woman really exists, and this is not another trap.”

I closed my eyes for a few beats, “This means you don’t trust her. Right?”

“ I don’t trust the internet.”

I had to suppress my smile. “Best of luck, mate. See you again.”

S A Spencer- I am endeavoring to bring more stories for your entertainment. Please follow me through the social media icons on the side bar.


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