The Overfed Beast- A Humerous Approach to Tackle A Deadly Problem

Inflation is a beast that devours everything in its path, and the only way to defeat it is to deprive it of its food.


  Story By: S A Spencer

Photo by Andre Tan

 “You are actually helping the economy.”

        Our lunch hour in the office is a time to unwind and recharge for the rest of the day. Lunchtime in the small office sees nearly everyone gathering in the dining room to unpack their lunch boxes. Most of us choose to buy food from other places instead of cooking at home.

        I open my lunch box of pasta: the leftover of last evening.

        Before I even took the first spoonful, I asked Joseph, “I don’t get it - how does eating this leftover food help the economy? Are the hungry people in a third world country benefiting from what I eat or how I eat? I am not even donating any food.”

        A laugh erupted in the room. We’ve got an hour to chill out and recharge before the next shift.

        I’m referring to the economy of this nation, not some developing country.

        A day from two years ago springs to mind. Same place and same surroundings. “Joseph, I remember years ago you had told those who are buying food from the food court are helping the economy. Did your mind change?”

        Joseph pushed his plate aside and set his fork and knife down. “My mind didn’t change. But the situation shifted.”

        “How?” Maria asked.

        “Then the economy needed help. In time of recession when you spend money, the economy gets food to grow.”

        “What changed now?”

        “Now the circumstances are different. Prices are going up through the roof. Reserve bank is upping the interest rate every moth and they have no more weapon to curb the rising price.”

        “If the Reserve Bank fails and the Government also can’t do anything, then only God can help us, common people.” A shadow covered my mood. I am already paying through my nose for my house, which is under a mortgage.

        “I don’t know about God. Let’s pay close attention to Joseph,” Maria said. “Maybe he can offer some ideas.”

         Everyone at the table stopped eating and looked at joseph. Economy is a boring subject, and nobody likes to discuss. But when it behaves like a demon, who cares what we like? Especially those who have mortgages and growing interest rates is pinching all of us at the bottom.

        CEO Brendan said, “Joseph, if you don’t mind, can you explain more? I’m not asking as a CEO, but just curious.”

        “Sure, Brendan. My pleasure,” he said, “imagine a lean and thin guy. You can see his ribs as he is underfed and so weak, he can’t even stand for five minutes. In such a case, if you are feeding him, you are doing him a favour. But, if you give food to a man like me, who is already almost a hundred kilos, you are actually harming me. Same is the case with this artificial animal called Economy.”

        I am a creative person, and such a comparison helped me to understand a bit.

        Joseph continued, “When the recession hits, that means the economy is in a terrible shape. Underfed. Weak and fragile. It needs food. When we increase our spending, we feed the week and underfed guy and help in the recovery. But when inflation is going through the roof, that means it’s overweight and in an urgent need to shed weight. Spending more means overfeeding it.”

        The word inflation hits me like nothing else. Not because that I am too much worried about it, but the interest rate rise by the Reserve Bank is draining my bank account. I have a house on a mortgage which I have bought with my hard-earned money. Why a so-called monetary policy, of which I know nothing will take away my money?

        Before I could say anything, Maria said, “I want to know what the governor of our Reserve Bank does.”

        I said, “He knows nothing about the economy. We should sack him and post our Joseph in his position instead.”

        The room burst into a laugh as Joseph bowed his head with a funny smile. “I accept the honour.”

        “This guy just keeps raising the rate of interest every month,” Maria said, “People like us who are already pissed off with inflation are the worst affected because we saved some money and bought a roof over our head.”

        “Right,” I said, “we are paying more for our daily expense because of the higher price and then the bank is taking more money from us for the same amount of loan. What do we do?”

        “Because this governor doesn’t know any other way how to tackle the inflation.” Brendan added. “See the computer world, new inventions come every other day. But our so-called learned economists, do they even think of innovation? It’s like you are fighting a nuclear armed enemy with swords or bow and arrow.”

        We all wanted to laugh, but the accusation sounded serious.

        “Why shouldn’t we then make this governor redundant? He knows only two things- increase interest rate when there is inflation and reduce when there is recession. Why does the government pay him millions of dollars for the work his lowest paid clerk can do?”

        “This is a better idea,” Joseph said, “we can’t control the inflation or the rise in interest rates, but we can at least sit together and vent our frustrations about this incompetent governor.”

        We all agreed, but the lunch hour is already over.

        “Guys, the governor survived a redundancy, let’s get back to work now.” Maria got up.

        “Economy is not the villain here,” I also close my lunch box, “but the beast called Inflation is. Let’s starve it to death.”

All Stories on this Blog Site are purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone or any incident is purely a coincidence. 

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