A Meeting With The God- A Hilarious Story

Change is the only constant in this world, and the path to heaven after death is not an exception.

Story By: S A Spencer
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi

You won’t know whether to laugh or cry after reading this story.

        At our regular coffee catch up last weekend, Sam leaned in and whispered, “I have something to confide in you. I trust you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”

        She didn’t appear to be hiding anything, but rather looked like she was in a rush to spill something out. She was away for a week to visit his sick father in Solomon. Her dad had a huge heart attack and when the ambulance took him to the hospital, the doctors declared him dead. Within an hour, they managed to revive him as he began to show signs of life.

        “Doctors were not actually wrong.” Sam had told me when I called her to enquire about her dad. “The head of the cardiology was working for long in Melbourne before moving back to his native place to serve their own people. But the reality is my dad came back from the other side of the world.”

        “You mean the doctor is reliable because he has experience of working in a developed country?” My lips twitched with the urge to smile, but I managed to keep a straight face. It would be awkward to laugh when a friend’s family member was sick.

        But I had no reason not to believe her. This was not the first of such case though a rare one. People die, experience the other world and come back to life. It did not surprise me when Sam confided with me about her dad’s experience.

        We both were flatmates for almost three years before I moved in with my boyfriend and she with her new husband. But from time to time we do an informal catch up in the coffee shop as we both live nearby.

        “They ordered him to go to the hell. I mean his soul. Because I was sitting near his dead body.” Sam said.

        “Hell?” I didn’t know if I should show sympathy or surprise. “Your father was, sorry, is a religious man, I believe.”

        “In fact, he is.” Sam’s unwavering confirmation made it clear that my words were a matter of politeness. “He was a regular visitor of church and prayed regularly.”

        “Sam, you are wrong in the tense.” I corrected her.

        “Fiona, two cafe lattes are ready.” The barista announced.

        I went to the counter and collected the coffees. Setting the cups on the table, I began again. “Sam, your father is not dead. You said he came back from the other world. Which means is he is healthy enough, he must be going to church the way he did his entire life? If not, he must be praying at home.”

        Sam laughed. “That’s the one I am trying to say.” She took a sip from the cup and so did I.

        “It was unfortunate that they ordered him to go to the hell. And he appealed.”

        “Appealed?” my cup remained static just before my lips. “You mean the way people appeal in higher courts?”

        Sam cast a look at me. “I also didn’t believe at first. He had a really convincing expression, so I trusted him. Why would he lie to me, his only daughter?”

        “I have met no one who has come back from the heaven,” I tried to reason with her, “Sorry, hell. In fact, I didn’t know there is a sort of judiciary there as well. But logically there should be. How else people will be rewarded or punished for their deeds in the world?”

        Sam knew I was a non-believer. I made the best effort to show that I wasn’t joking, my tone grave and sombre. She is my only best friend, and I can’t afford to lose her.

        “He, in fact, approached God.”

        “God? He saw God?” I was about to take a sip, but immediately kept the mug on the table.

        “No, but he could communicate through some sacred soul. There was a long queue for meeting the sacred soul even, but somehow, they showed mercy to him and allowed an urgent consultation.”

        The tale was now going too far. But I gave a sympathetic ear. After all, she is my...

        “Please tell me what and how it all happened.”

        My father was finally given the chance to speak up, and as he did, the sacred souls continued their transmission to God.

        I closed my eyes and took a long sip. There was no way I can stop and run away now. “Then?”

        Dad explained that he was simply carrying on the religious traditions and prayer rituals that he had learned from his parents as a child. He was an obedient son. When he grew up, he visited the church regularly and followed the sermons from his heart.

        I got some point in supporting her father. “Clearly, he was destined for the heaven. Why the hell he was sent to the hell? I am sure the sacred soul must have admitted mistakes can happen there, too.” I pointed at the sky.

        Sam paused for a moment. Her face showed how much pain she was in.

        “The sacred soul said he believed him and told the same to God.”

        I wanted to ask what the sacred soul looked like. And how he was communicating with God. My brain was full of questions. But all I wanted at that moment was to lend my ear, Sam was really disturbed at the turn of events for the last few weeks. The mark of a true friend is being there to offer support during the toughest times.

        “Did God give any reply through the sacred soul?”


        “He took time or was it...”

        “It was immediate. As if they are far ahead of us in interaction. They don’t need modern gadgets like us to communicate.”

        “I am sure they don’t. After all, they are God or the ones with extra heavenly powers.”

        We both had finished our coffee. I noticed a woman seated near to our table was probably eavesdropping us. Lowering my voice, I asked, “Did God amend his initial decision, though I am sure he must have?” I cast a sideways glance at the other woman. Didn’t Sam say this is a secret?

        “Unfortunately, he didn’t. My dad was not lucky to be rewarded with heaven.”

        I remembered the news I had read weeks ago about Solomon, and my attention was immediately drawn to the rampant corruption going on there. Sam’s father was a government servant in a prime position. The report highlighted that corruption among politicians and bureaucrats has prevented Govt’s spending for the poor from reaching them. But I didn’t want to put my close friend in an embarrassing situation.

 “It’s unfortunate. What was wrong with God? Was he misinformed?”

        “No, but he had a reason.” Sam’s expression was grave and solemn.

        I had no words. I expected her to continue without me saying.

        “God said,” she swallowed. According to HIM, the way to God that was determined by sacred people centuries ago is now ineffective.

        “Surprise! You mean whatever is written in holy books of all the religions is all wrong?”

        “No, not wrong. He said with the time everything is changing. And with that, the way to heaven is also changing.”

        During a company workshop, I learned a management lesson that stuck with me: It’s important to regularly reevaluate the methods we use, even if we believe they are the best, as they may need to be updated with changing times.

        Is that applicable to after life also?

        “Okay, I agree with God. After all, he is the almighty and who can argue with him? But I don’t understand how your father came back to the world again. I am happy he came back, as he is still working in a senior position in the Government and deserves further promotions, but just my ...”

        “He gave a proposal to the God. And he accepted.”

        He is really clever! I stared at her with wide eyes. I had no words.

        “His proposal was that the world should be informed of the invalidity of the traditional path to reach God and he should be given time to do so. With that, he got a few years’ time to accomplish this. And the next moment he was alive on the hospital bed.”

        I was at a loss as if to laugh at this. I am just happy my close friend’s father was finally alive.

        The latest news from my friend was that his dad was writing a book to convey God’s new theory to the world. Please keep an eye on it and don’t forget to buy the moment it’s published. I will announce that on my blog.

All Stories on this Blog Site are purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone or any incident is purely a coincidence. Copyright by Shrimant. All rights reserved. 

Please send your funny or other life experiences to me, and I will make a story and publish, acknowledging your contribution. Or, if you can write your own story, I will publish the same with your name as a writer. Writing should be between  1000-1500 words.

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