End of The Tunnel—A Story That Will Make Your Day

The fabricated case that led to his life imprisonment could only be overturned by the power of his positive thoughts.

Story: S A Spencer

Photo by Wil Stewart


As the day began, there was an undeniable sense of excitement in the air. Tiffany slipped into her beautiful dress and gazed at herself in the full-length dresser mirror. Her heart raced as she thought about finally being reunited with her sweetheart after four years of separation. A separation neither she nor Jerry planned. Her heart jumped inside her ribs. How would Jerry be after four years of unfair imprisonment in a prison of Pacific Island nation Sambora? Should she look happy or dejected?

This dress was Jerry’s favourite. Tiffany hoped that the memories of their love would remain intact in Jerry’s mind, despite the years of torture he endured.

“Where are we going Mum?” Ava asked when Tiffany pulled out a matching dress from the robe for her four and half year-old daughter. This morning, only a woman from the Department of Foreign Affairs called and told Jerry was already on a flight back home. She hoped it’s not too good to be true. After hearing the news, she prayed to God and kept expressing her thanks over and over again.

“We are going to the airport to bring your dad. Now, be a good girl and put this on.”

Ava held the dress, “Are we going to bring a new dad? Like Julie’s mum did?” Her eyes glinting the same way when they go to buy a new toy.

Tiffany was at a loss for words. Her own heart was racing as if she would fly and meet Jerry inside the plane. Each event in the past five years passed through her mind like a scene of a movie. She looked at her watch; she was early to be ready. Eagerness bounced in her veins.

“No, my child, not a new dad. She is your dad.” She looked at their couple photo on the side table. “See, your dad.” She had always told Ava her father had gone on a long trip. But somehow, the girl had lost interest in him. Maybe because she never saw him.

Jerry had been to Sambora, the small Pacific Island nation on a journalism trip. He was the Pacific reporter for True TV. Each evening, the first thing he did when he got back to the hotel room was call Tiffany. That evening, she didn’t receive any communication. She had a reason not to be worried. He was supposed to be on the return flight the same evening. And in Sydney by ten at night.

She called Jerry. As per her calculation, he should have checked in and waiting in the departure area of Witara Airport of Sambora. The call clicked to his voicemail. Poor island nation must have weak mobile signal. By eleven at night, when she didn’t hear from him, she was worried. The plane had already landed in Sydney airport. Jerry should have been at least in the car after immigration formalities.

Worried, she called his manager. “Sorry Mr. Daniel for waking you up at such an hour, Do you have any news from Jerry?”

Daniel didn’t appear to be in bed. “I… me…” his voice was breaking. “In fact, I was awake and trying to find what happened.”

A shiver passed through Tiffany. She had checked on the internet, the plane had landed in time. Did Jerry miss the flight? But why?

“Daniel, please tell me. Did he miss the flight? I have been trying to contact him since the afternoon but going to his voicemail.”

“Don’t worry, Tiffany. I am contacting the embassy. We will do everything to release him as soon as possible. In fact, I was talking to someone regarding this.”

Release? The word didn’t sink in. “Release whom? Why?”

“That was the reason I didn’t contact you. I thought to tell you after Jerry is released. The police in Sambora have taken in into custody. I am trying to figure out why.”

“Which shoes do I wear, Mummy? Do you reckon dad will like my dress?”

Tiffany came back to her world. The dreaded message from Daniel still echoed in her ears as she made her way to the wardrobe.

Her daughter would see her father, who was absent when she was born.

Thoughts of Jerry’s detention in Sambora kept creeping into Tiffany’s mind, making it hard to stay present.

By next morning, the entire country had understood why. Jerry’s TV programs, which showcased Geronimo’s dissenters, had put him in the crosshairs of the tension between the two countries. They accused him of rape.

His employer, True TV, refused to take responsibility for the matter, claiming that it had nothing to do with the business he was conducting on their behalf. Tiffany was sure the foreign government framed him for the rape case. She tried to fight against it, but it didn’t make any headway.

Her well-wishers suggested that she should obtain a unilateral divorce and find another man, as they were unsure of how long her husband would be trapped in the dictator’s prison. Tiffany ignored everything with a smile. How could she ditch a man who loved her so unconditionally?

Tiffany eagerly awaited on the exit lobby of Sydney airport. The plane had already landed.

“When will daddy arrive?” Ava was asking question after question, and Tiffany had no answers for most of them.

“He’s coming out any minute now, sweetie. Would you hug and kiss him?”

“I don’t know. Will he love me?”

“Of course, he is your dad.”

A familiar face arose from the crowd. Tiffany’s breath caught in her throat.

She hadn’t told any of her friends she was going to receive Jerry. She wished for a private couple reunion.

Jerry came forward and took Ava in his arms. “I love you, baby. You don’t know how I missed you for so many years.” His eyes pooled.

Ava looked at him curiously while in his arms. Jerry inched closer to Tiffany, his hand outstretched, but stopped. She was expecting he would hug and kiss him.

“Thanks Tiffany, for bringing my daughter to me when I arrived. You are a great mother and I have no problem you continue the custody of her. Can I get a chance for a weekly visit to my daughter?”

“Custody? What are you saying?” She could feel the sting of tears behind her eyes as she tried to hold back her emotions.

Jerry’s eyes moistened. “You have done unilateral divorce. That’s okay, I was in prison. But I just want to let you know I didn’t commit any such crime. The dictator’s men fabricated the case against me to revenge my reporting. I wish you all the best with your new partner.”

Tiffany lunged forward and tightly grasped Jerry’s arm. “Which divorce? When did I divorce you? What are you talking?”

“You didn’t?” a glow appeared on his face. Inhaling deeply, he pulled her close in a warm embrace. She hugged him tightly, feeling the warmth of his lips on her cheek. “I am so happy I am not single. Prison authorities told me you have sent papers for unilateral divorce. And then after some months told me divorce is done.”

“Didn’t you ask for those papers? You can recognise my signature, I think.”

“No, they didn’t give me anything. Only told me. And the way I was being treated, I believed them. I’m sorry.”

Together, they walked to the car park, their hands clasped.

On the way home Tiffany asked in the car, “I am happy you are still healthy after years of in the prison. But if you wish, we can go for counselling.”

“Counselling for what?” Jerry asked. “I am perfectly healthy.”

“How did you maintain your health? That too, despite so many unfortunate events in your life?”

The car stopped at a signal. Jerry let out a humourless chuckle, barely audible. “I knew it was a life-imprisonment and I would never see freedom without a miracle. I imagined I was with you and my daughter, whom I had never seen. Even though I was convinced you had divorced me. I used to take slow and deep breaths day in and day out, and imagine myself with you and enjoying life. That was the only thing left for me, being indulged in imaginary happy moments. It seemed like the miracle would never happen, but finally, it did. The dictator died and the new guys cleared my name, saying I was innocent and the whole thing was just revenge. They even issued me a letter that I was not guilty.”

The traffic signal became green. Pedalling the accelerator, Tiffany said a quick prayer to God under her breath. “Yes, this is a miracle.”

“Did you ever think of leaving me? Knowing that I may never return?”

“Friends suggested. But when I asked my soul, it said ‘no’. I also imagined your presence time and again. And the universe did everything to bring our souls together again.”

As they drove, a sense of bliss descended upon them, making the world outside seem brighter and more beautiful.

All Stories on this Blog Site are purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone or any incident is purely a coincidence. 

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